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RE: Potential Scam Warning

Subject: RE: Potential Scam Warning
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 21:33:40 -0800
Cc: "Triumph list" <>
> If the check IS certified it is guaranteed by the bank and that is easy
> enough to verify by contacting the issuing bank.   Unless the "certified"
> check is bogus.   But that is also verifiable by contacting the bank.

I believe that's true, IF it's drawn on a US bank and is legitimate.  When
push came to shove, though, I'll bet this happens after banking hours and
there's some dire reason it can't wait until Monday morning.  The local
paper printed a column just the other day, warning of anyone that asks you
to transfer money for them.  Even if the deal works as advertised, the
transfer of large sums of money can be construed as money laundering, which
is illegal (according to the article).  And the banks do report any
'suspicious' activity to the Fed.

However, the original post said "money order", and those are generally not
guaranteed.  Traveler's checks are another thing that is no better than a
personal check.

BTW, even for an ordinary personal check, you can present it to the issuing
bank and request cash on the spot.  Or at least used to be, I haven't had
occasion to do so for many years.


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