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Stuffing the garage

To: TR List <> id gBTGFFcq013814
Subject: Stuffing the garage
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 11:10:36 -0500
Well, I fit it in.

The last couple of years my TR6 has been living out-of-doors with only a
Technalon II cover to protect it from the elements.  I tried adding a
plastic tarp to keep it dry but this proved to be counter productive.  So I
challenged by basic assumption that I could not fit it into the two car
garage with the other two cars.

Fitting three TR's into a two car garage would be easy if it weren't for my
work bench, air compressor, misc spare (junk?) engine blocks, transmissions
and TR7 rear axle (complete with trailing arms and shocks).  But I got out
a tape measure and took some measurements and determined that it would fit
- if just barely.  Of course, there's no room to work in there.  There's no
room to even move around.  But at least the TR6 is dry for the winter.

Just though I would share.

Happy holidays


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