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Re: Thermostat on TR4A

Subject: Re: Thermostat on TR4A
From: Nicholas Froome <>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 21:15:12 +0000
> > Do I have to drain my radiator to remove the thermostat?  I have been
>> hot/overheating and I want to test the thermostat.  The radiator
>> fluid/antifreeze, looks and tests good, so I'd like to leave it in if
>> possible.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> 1967 TR4A
>Chris, You don't have to drain it - when you disconnect the top radiator
>hose, the fluid will come out on its own :-).  Ok, seriously, you should
>drain it below the level of the thermostat housing at a minimum if you want
>to avoid a wet floor.  But what makes you think it's the thermostat?

I'd say always suspect the cylinder head gasket when a TR engine overheats. 
That's obviously based on my experience and hopefully your problem won't be 
that bad

But a check of the water & oil systems is a good idea - as is running the 
engine and revving it with the radiator cap off and the the rad filled so you 
can see the water level. Any continuous stream of bubbles in the water is bad 

If you have access to a pressure tester, put some pressure in the system then 
run the engine. If it goes up consistently, again suspect a cylinder head gasket

Worst case is when a liner sinks and the gasket fails. Don't ask me how I know..

Nick Froome

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