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Refurbishing TR6 Gages - Part II

To: "'6pack'" <>, "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: Refurbishing TR6 Gages - Part II
From: Hugh Fader <>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 15:39:52 -0500
Well I got the bezels off of the small gages. Went out and bought strap
wrenches to see if this would help turn them. It did not. But, I did get new
tools out of it! I ended up bending the tabs and lifting the bezel off
rather than turning it. Some Kroil got on the gage faces, but I think that
will clean off OK. Paint came off at the edge of one of the gage faces, so
I'll have to touch that up too.

Next questions. I've been looking at the various supplier catalogs. The only
one that shows any details on the sealing is VB. They show o-rings between
the glass and bezel on the small gages.

Here is what was installed on mine:
- flat o-rings between the gage flange and dashboard on the large gages
- crumbly sealer between the glass and bezel on all gages

Is this correct? I'll replace the sealer with o-rings if that seems right.
No o-ring on the outside of the small gages? For people that bought the TRF
kit, did it include everything you needed?

Hugh Fader

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