The aeronautical industry have been flying-by-wire for years/decades
by now. It's an accepted basic standard technology there.
And they have a third dimension to take into account; falling down...
I wouldn't mind a car with electrical steering as well as braking.
In Sweden we have a rolling prototype car [in the form of a Super Seven
knock off] at one of the Tech universities. A car with all electric;
four-wheel-steering, braking, engine control [accelerator etc].
The lot!
If I remember correctly the only conventional things in the car seems
to be the internal combustion engine and the drive train... Goes like
a scalded rat and turns on a dime... You can change from lhd to rhd
with a quick hand grip moving the steering wheel and the pedal pods...
I wouldn't mind having one.
Phil Ethier wrote:
> If this is not illegal, it ought to be.
> Phil Ethier
> From: "David Rogers" <dnja.rogers@bigpond.com.au>
> > I was looking at a sales brochure for the latest Mercedes 500SL the
> > other day and it said the car has a 'brake-by-wire' system with no
> > direct, physical connection between pedal and discs.
Odd Hedberg
Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary, TR8-rep.,
SE-74236 Vsthammar Registerverdare, MHRF-ansvarig mm mm
Sweden Triumph Club of Sweden
'70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
'80 TR8 DHC EFi TPZDV8AT211468 Midas Gold
E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se
Club URL: http://www.triumphclub.se
Home Phone/Fax/Mobile: Int+ 46-17317131 / 46-17318131 / 46-706917131
Geographical Position: N 60deg 15min 03.5sec E 18deg 23min 40.4sec
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