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Re: Dash Panel R&R

Subject: Re: Dash Panel R&R
From: "Rick Barnard" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 21:42:15 -0400
Hi Ryan,
        Taking out the seats and seat slides is a good idea.  Fold up 
a blanket to lie on your back, and it's fairly comfortable.  You might 
even fall asleep under there ;-)
        One thing that comes to mind: if you have never replaced 
those two little molded hoses between the heater box and the firewall, 
now's the time to do it.
        My brother and I once dropped the engine out of a '69 
Karman Ghia in 20 minutes flat.  The dash replacement will take 
longer than that!  Your car will be off the road for a few days, at least.  
Here in New England, I'd call this a winter project.

                Good Luck,
                        Rick in Massachusetts  1973 TR6 CF2570U

> OK, I am finally going to attempt to do this on my TR this coming
> weekend. I've got a new TRF dash, new bulbs, and new guage-to-dash
> gaskets. Am I missing anytihing? If I have time I might clean the
> guage faces and paint the rims if needed. WIll probably try to
> cleanup/fix the Hazard switch following Dan Masters book. I am going
> to use the Bentley manual as my guide for the dash R/R. Does anyone
> have any tips or special tools that might be useful to make things
> easier? The Bentley doesn't mention it, but I thought taking out the
> driver's seat might make it easier to lie on my back to get to the
> wiring? About how long should I expect this to take for a first-timer?
> Or, just how much beer should I buy? ha ha A friend of mine says he
> knows a guy who claims he can drop a VW engine in 1 1/2 beers (no wire
> cutting). 
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> 6/71 TR6 Imperial blue

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