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Now, on this matter of Roswell and aliens... and some LBC.

Subject: Now, on this matter of Roswell and aliens... and some LBC.
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 01:12:06 -0600
Organization: Barely enough wrote:
> In a message dated 9/29/02 8:30:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > And I'd invite them in for a
> >  Corona and fajitas, just to be sociable... and to pick their brains for
> >  motive power secrets--the Triumph needs a tune-up.
> Michael,
> Is that like smoked salmon with crackers and
> LaConner pilsner here in Seattle?

I answered:


Nope... there's got to be enough habanero pepper to make `em sweat
first. <smile>


I really need to make this point clearer. I think, after some
considerable time here in the UFO capitol of the US, I understand what
hot peppers are for--to attract aliens. Chiles in New Mexico are like
the monolith on the moon in "2001: A Space Odyssey." Chile fields are
like a beacon for aliens. We have the food of the gods at our feet!

_That's_ why aliens came here in the first place! Chiles! Lots of `em!
They want `em and we got `em!

If you all want the motive power secrets of aliens in UFOs, you're just
going to have to grow some chiles. <smile> Even if the aliens don't show
up, you can all get some secret motive power from them.... <smile>

After all, LBC _also_ stands for Los Burning Chile!

Cheers, all, from the UFO and chile capitol of North America, grossly
under-represented by the other LBC....

Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM (yes, _that_ Roswell)

The gulf between content and substance continues to widen....

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