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Cruisers wimp out!

To: <>
Subject: Cruisers wimp out!
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 21:40:04 -0500
Sue and I went to take TR44SUE to what was scheduled to be the
last-of-the-season Capital City Cruisers downtown (only pre-1965 cars need
apply).  Imagine our surprise.  The barricades were piled on the median and
ordinary cars were parked on Kellogg Boulevard.  It was raining earlier, so
the cops must have declared it a no-go and went home.  Shoot.  It's not
raining now, and we wanted to make the last one.  So back to the garage we
go.  Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so Grace N. Violence the Europa is off
to the autocross at Midway Stadium.  I don't expect THAT to be canceled.

BTW, I just returned from the Lotus Owners Gathering in Lake Geneva
Wisconsin.  What a hoot.  Two national marque conventions in the same year.
This one was a 330-mile drive, and my Lotus is not as travel-friendly as the
TR4, so I borrowed a trailer.  The trailer and Suburban came in handy for
other local club members, one to carry his autocross tires and on to ferry
his car to West Chicago for repairs.  As luck would have it, my Chev and
Lotus are both running fine.

Next year the LOG will be in New York state, and I must check if it is near
in time to the VTR.  I can't bring both cars though, so I don't know what I
might consider.

Phil Ethier  West Side  Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa 65/2597, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 TR4 CT2846L

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