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Re: What caused the demise of the British car?

To: Roger Langley <>
Subject: Re: What caused the demise of the British car?
From: Robert Labuz <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 08:11:45 -0400
Cc: Triumph List <>
References: <000701c266c7$ecc8c1a0$9527ad42@oemcomputer>
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Roger Langley wrote:

>The following comment by a local and vulgar Camaro owner hurt enough I must
>share my pain:
>"Had I noticed that the British car faded from the market shortly after the
>invention of the plastic coat hanger?"
>'71 GT6 with temporary exhaust mounting

Yes the British car has faded, including the famous Rolls (now part of 
either VW or BMW, not sure which has won.) The demise can be traced to 
poor management, greedy unions, and an overall lack of corporate vision. 
You can ask your Camaro owner; did even the Vette have disc brakes or 
hydraulic clutch in 1957? Did any GM engine get approx 1 hp per cubic 
inch? When did cars comming from Detroit get Rack and Pinion? And what 
about miles/gallon? My TR3A still gets over 30 mpg when not driven too 
hard. When did GM cars get racks, disc breaks etc.? Even the VW bug in 
the 50's and 60' was lucky to get 25 or 26 mpg. and never mind trying to 
stop one in a panic. Could the 56 Vette win a drag race with a 56 TR2? I 
dont think so, not until the Vette got the V8. Put them at Watkins Glen 
and what happened?

It was not a lack of technology , but a lack of corporate and union 
vision. The same thing hit the British motorcycle industry. Both cars 
and bikes were also affected by cheap products from Japan. Even the US 
industry was affected by Japan.

Put that all together and there are no more Triumphs.

But the Triumph motorcycle was resurected from the ashes and now is 
enjoying a very successfull re-birth. The Triumph is the only bike to my 
knowledge with a unlimited mileage 2 year warranty!. As far as power, 
looks and reliability, I would put the Triumph even with the bikes from 
Japan, and far above anything comming out of the US. And the looks, 
well, I am a bit partial, but there is nothing like a Triumph. Even the 
Harley drivers I ride with drool when I pull up. Partly because I am the 
only Triumph, but more so for the lines, sound and roadability.

I keep my fingers crossed that maybe a Brit with loads of $, like Bloor, 
will bring back the Triumph car line. I would start saving my $ from day 
1. I love my old technology car and bike, but I would love to see what 
21st century  technology would do to a TR3A, 4, Spitfire, GT6 or TR6.

Bob Labuz

1958 TR3A
1974 T140V
1998 T-Bird 900

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