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Re: Venting the spleen (Tenuous LBC - a bit long)

Subject: Re: Venting the spleen (Tenuous LBC - a bit long)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 11:04:22 EDT
Dear Sir;
I read with great interest and agreement your 'rant'. Unfortunately, we have 
been fooled by ourselves and others into allowing others to take 
responsibility for our actions.  The others of whom I am thinking would be 
the legal system, lawyers etc.  This responsibility is taken on with great 
glee and transmittal of much gold. Here in the states at least, the fox is in 
the henhouse on these matters, as the group of professionals that make the 
laws ( lawyers elected to office) get to enforce the laws (through uncivil 
civil law actions) keeping 1/3 or more of the gold collected. 

I think of the chap whom you describe harrasing the mechanic as quite simply 
a bully.  A lazy lout, prone to blaming others for his decisions and wielding 
the cudgel of the legal system.  Usually these are idle threats, of course.  
But you so very clearly described the anguish felt by the victim in the case 
of the experienced mechanic.  

Whenever we make a decision, about anything, there is a probablity that we 
will have made a good decision, and a probability that we made a bad 
decision.  When you make a decision you must accept the fact that you may 
have made an error, for which you might suffer untoward consequences.  
Suffering these consequences is the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.  
Blaming others leads to no learning and stupidly repeating the error over and 

  Undertaking these type of legal actions is one of the most discouraging and 
unspirtual acts you can involve yourself in and it does not matter which side 
you are on or whether you prevail or not.  You will end up filled with bile 
and hate that you will pass on to others.  Some thought and investigation 
prior to the decision is the best way to avoid it all.

A couple of related quotes:
"You can sue anyone for anything, winnin is another matter"  former DA of 
Lincoln County, New Mexico

"Someone does not have to be blamed for everything that we feel went wrong in 
our lives"  A personal friend and attorney.

Were I at your doorstep, I'd invite you and your mechanic friend out for a 

Bob Paul
Corrales New Mexico

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