At 04:46 PM 6/25/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Message text written by
> >Andy, Jack & Joe can arrange for a DEAD HEAT.... we will be hot and dead
>the finish line.
>Joe Alexander
>Not to worry. The pit crew know CPR.
Alas, I'm afraid the "Great TR Bike Shootout" will not occur. The Drewses
and Alexanders are arriving at the VTR convention late, and I understand
that the occasions for displaying the bikes' performance occur early in the
That's the offical reason, anyway.
The unofficial reason is that I visited with my cardiologist recently and
he advised against witnessing such spectacles as Joe Alexander delivering
Susan Hensley to her wedding via the bike handlebars, and the probable
resulting compulsion for me to perform the same service for Brad. Two
ambulances in attendance would be required (you wouldn't expect me to share
a ride with Joe in a supine position in a vehicle, would you?), which is
outside the VTR budget.
Besides, if Joe and Jack were incapacitated, then the Lady Linda Alexander
and the Lovely Frances Drews would be left unprotected against all those
hot blooded TR drivers fresh from derring-do at the competitive events. Not
a pretty thought.
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