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Re: '3a interior trim screws

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: '3a interior trim screws
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 15:11:53 -0700
References: < m>
David Templeton wrote:

> I am about to put the door panels on and wondered, is there a set
> pattern/distance for the screws? Or is the general locations found in Bill
> P's book?

The panels I installed (Moss US) were pre-drilled.  You may have to peek under
the flap of vinyl on the back to find the holes... they are in the hardboard
panel but do not go thru the vinyl.

I used these holes for my install.  Made little arrowheads out of blue masking
tape to indicate on the face of the panel the exact location of each hole.  Then
drilled panel and door at the same time (3/32" as I recall) ignoring the 
of holes in the door from prior interiors.

Some of the holes were really buried, especially where there is piping along the
edge.  These I found by gently prodding the face of the panel with a
not-too-pointy bamboo skewer in the areas where I suspected there should be a

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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