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speedometer accuracy

To: <>
Subject: speedometer accuracy
From: "Larry Stein" <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 10:48:30 -0600
Organization: Every Home for Christ
i've checked my spedometer against my gps.  the speedo is low 9mph
across the range.  there was a small speed adapter thing on the back of
the speedo but it broke.  bought a new cable.  what could you guys
recommend to fix this ?  the speedo adapter adapter thing is american
not british (internal cable is larger, nut/thread is larger) so it does
not fit without two other adapters, one for each side.  this all seems a
mess to me.  do all triumphs or gt6's have to have this adapter ?  do
one of the catalog co's (trf, sb, vb) sell the correct british adapter ?

thanks !

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