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core plug installation on TR3 engine

Subject: core plug installation on TR3 engine
From: richard triplett <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 07:21:21 -0700 (PDT)
Work is well under way to fire up the engine on my
TR3A 'project.' I completed the inspection phase of
the reassembly last week and got (hopefully!) all the
needed parts ordered. During this time I noticed that
the core plugs for both the cam shaft and cylinder
hear were missing. This is probably a part you want to
replace on a 50 year old engine anyway.

Now I have the plugs and am trying to determine the
best way to install them. Lightly tapping them in with
a rubber mallet won't work, but I don't want to lay
into them with the biggest hammer I can find. I'm sure
this would destroy the plugs. Any tips on
installation? FWIW, they are "domed" plugs. Any
sealant recommended during installation?


Richard Jr
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

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