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STRANGE - Lost in cyberspace?

Subject: STRANGE - Lost in cyberspace?
From: (Robert Blubaugh)
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 21:00:52 -0400
Hi listers!

It was STRANGE indeed to check the Tuesday May 14, 2002 TRUMPH Digest and see a 
note I submitted to the Triumph list server on November 6, 2001.  I don't have 
a clue how this could have happened.  I had submitted that email through my 
account at the school where I teach.  I have not done anything on that account 
that would have resulted in the email being sent again (at least nothing I know 
of).  It must have been trapped in the dead letter box of CYBERSPACE.  (Oddly, 
on Monday our T1 line for our Internet service was "down" and it was restored 
on Tuesday.  Maybe that has something to do with the old posting suddenly being 
received and posted on the Triumph list serve.)

It is interesting to contrast my good news of November 6 with the trouble that 
developed in my engine at a later date.  So it is with the ups and downs, the 
woes and the thrills of Triumph work and ownership.

Oh, well, it just goes to show that Triumph news (or for that matter ANY email) 
that may appear to be "Lost in Space" can always come back to haunt you.  

Puzzled in Rensselaer, Indiana
Rob Blubaugh  
(sent on May 16, 2002, 8:00 PM CDST through Netscape Mail)

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