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RE: oil pump gasket

Subject: RE: oil pump gasket
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 09:14:35 -0700
> I took the sump off my TR4 last night to check the oil pump and
> crank shaft
> end gap. When I took the oil pump off, I noticed that there was no gasket
> between the pump body and block. Looking in the Moss catalog, they show a
> gasket there. Is this gasket necessary as it is not sealing
> anything but just
> keeping metal from metal?

Actually, it's sealing against full oil pressure.  If it leaks, part of the
pump output will run back into the pan without going through the bearings

> If it is necessary, can I just make one
> out of a
> brown paper bag?

I wouldn't recommend it, but it would probably work.


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