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RE: show judging

Subject: RE: show judging
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 09:56:32 -0700
> I have one really big peeve when it comes to cars shows and that
> is "BEST of
> SHOW", when this award is given does that mean it is the very
> best at the show
> or the most unusual/rare,t VTR the "Gloria" won best of show, was
> it the best
> restored at VTR, hell no and not by a long way, it was the most
> unusual/rare
> certainly not the "BEST" car at the convention,

Fred, "best" is a subjective measure, and I think the VTR "Best of Show"
award reflects that.  There were lots of beautiful cars at the show (yours
was one of them), but I personally thought it entirely appropriate that best
of show go to the Gloria.  Can't really define why I feel that way, just
like quality "I know it when I see it".  In addition to being a rare and
attractive car, it was also 'honest'.  Those really were the parts that made
up that car when it was new, not a collection of oh-so-correct
reproductions.  Years ago, that was called 'originality', meaning it had
never been 'restored'.

I'm not even certain it was the rarest car there, wasn't there a 2500 PI
saloon that is supposed to be the only one in the US ?  Brad's Amphicar was
also the first one I've ever seen "in the flesh".


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