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RE: Dead TR4 - Need Help!

To: Kurtis <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: Dead TR4 - Need Help!
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 19:04:00 -0700
> I also checked the resistance across the coil (I couldn't remember what it
> should be), but I get no resistance (short) across the coil.  Is
> this right?

Depends a bit on your ohmmeter.  'Normal' is around 3-4 ohms, which is
pretty low on the scale for most meters.  If it's an analog meter (has a
needle) then you will need to set the zero for ohms to get an accurate
reading.  Digital meters don't usually have an external adjustment, but if
it's a cheap one and hasn't been calibrated in recent memory, it could be
off by that much.

Try putting back in the condensor you removed at your last tune-up (you did
save it, right ?) and see if that makes a difference.  Try checking for
spark directly at the coil output.  Double check that with the points closed
and the key on, you get 12v from the 'white wire' side of the coil to
ground, and 0v from the other side to ground.  Then turn the engine so the
points open, and check that there is 12v on both terminals.

If none of that produces any fruit, then change the coil.


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