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RE: TR4 Brakes - 2 Questions

To: TR <>
Subject: RE: TR4 Brakes - 2 Questions
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 18:49:10 -0700
> When the TR4 sits overnight the first push of the brake pedal is very
> soft.  Not all the way to the floor but definitely a long stroke.  The
> second push and all there after are short and firm.

I'm having a really tough time thinking of an explanation for that one, best
I can do is a partially stuck caliper piston that slowly returns farther
than it should.  An even remoter possibility is a MC pushrod that is a
little bit long (or a sticking pedal that is holding the pushrod into the
MC), but I think you would notice other problems (like the brakes dragging
after you'd driven a bit).

Is the pedal still low the first time, even with the handbrake firmly set ?

> I suppose brake fluid contracts as it cools down from hot use though
> this softness doesn't happen on my other cars -- however the '4 is the
> only one I have with silicone fluid.

Shouldn't be a problem, as the system should be open to the MC reservoir
when your foot is not on the brake.  If the fluid contracts due to cooling,
it will simply draw in more from the reservoir.  My TR3A with silicone fluid
doesn't do anything like what you describe, the brakes are always high and
tight even after it's set for weeks without being driven.

> A possibly unrelated question.  I went with Spa White on the disc wheels
> and mercy me does that ever show the brake dust.  Maybe it is no more
> than on the 3's silver wheels or wires but it sure shows up on white
> rims.  Pads are of unknown composition.  Are there some pads that are
> especially dusty?

All pads are definitely not equal when it comes to dust.  The ones I
recently put on from TRF generate far more dust than the ones I took off.
They also take more effort for the same braking action, I'm not very happy
with them.  Wish I could remember where I got the last set.  Ted Schumacher
at TSI carries some 'Kevlar' pads that are supposed to work better and
produce less dust, I plan to try those next time.  EBC also lists
'Greenstuff' pads for the TR4 which are supposed to have the same benefits
(however Ted's pads are not Greenstuff).  EBC lists pads for the TR3, but as
near as I can tell they don't actually fit (they list the same pads for the

>  Are there brake problems that would produce excessive
> dust with no other symptoms?

If they were dragging for some reason, you might not notice the accelerated
wear for awhile.  Should be easy to detect, after a drive feel both front
wheels (the knockoff will do for wire wheels, for disc wheels feel the wheel
itself just outside the hubcap).  Careful, if you do have a dragging brake,
that wheel will be hot !  Warm is OK, but if one is noticeably hotter than
the other, you have a problem.


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