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RE: getting to the bottom of engine running hot

To: Larry Stein <>,
Subject: RE: getting to the bottom of engine running hot
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:59:08 -0700
> I will do a compression test (again) to check
> for a blown head gasket, but last i checked it was fine.

Larry :

A compression test won't always show a leaking head gasket, even when it's
leaking bad enough to interfere with cooling.  Any decent repair shop should
have the tool to check for combustion gases in the cooling system, or you
can do this test at home :

Drain some coolant, and remove the fan belt and thermostat housing.  Replace
enough coolant to bring the water level flush with the top of the opening in
the head, and start the engine (fan belt still off so the water pump is not
turning).  Let the engine idle for just a minute or so, while watching the
opening carefully.  If you see escaping air bubbles, there is a compression
leak somewhere, most likely the head gasket.

The combustion gas system tester isn't very expensive, my local auto supply
sells them for about $50 + $15 for a pint of chemical.

BTW, your 'mildly exotic' cam may render the cam timing test I gave you
meaningless.  You'll have to find out how your particular cam is supposed to
be timed.


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