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TR6 Main and Con Rod Bearing Clearances

To: "'Triumph Mailing List (E-mail)'" <>, "'6 Pack List (E-mail)'" <>
Subject: TR6 Main and Con Rod Bearing Clearances
From: Hugh Fader <>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 06:45:40 -0400
I want to Plastigage my main and con rod bearings. Bentley gives .001 -
.0027 as the range for con rods. For the mains, I can't find any trustworthy
information in Haynes or Bentley. There is no clearance spec that I can find
and the dimensional data looks suspect:

                     Haynes               Bentley
Journal Dia(in)    2.311 - 2.3115      2.3110 - 2.3315
Bearing ID (in)    2.002 - 2.0025        can't find
Journal Dia(mm)   58.699 - 58.712     58.694 - 58.7121
Bearing ID (mm)   50.85  - 50.86         can't find

This is disturbing!

Bentley gives a range of .0205" for journal diameter. Probably a misprint,
since the metric dimensions are close to Haynes. So, let's assume Haynes'
2.311 - 2.3115 journal diameter is correct.

Now to calculate acceptable clearance I would compare the bearing ID
tolerance to the journal diameter tolerance. Well, the bearing ID is about
.300" less than the journal. I'd have a bit of trouble fitting the crank in
here wouldn't I?

Can anybody help me sort this out? I'm really just looking for the clearance
number for the mains.

Hugh Fader

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