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RE: and now on to the carbs

To: "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: RE: and now on to the carbs
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 18:37:32 -0700
> what i noticed was, if i watch the slides in the carbs and accelerate the
> throttle, the rear slide goes up quickly pretty much all the way
> and returns
> quickly.  the front carb slide only goes up about a third of the
> way, but it
> does return quickly.

Larry :

Sounds to me like the damper in the rear carb is not working for some
reason.  Could it be out of oil again ?

If you manually lift the pistons (engine off), you should feel a definite
resistance with the damper rods installed, and it should be equal between
the two carbs.  The resistance acts only as they lift, they should still
fall freely.


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