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Subject: Progress
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 22:44:07 -0400
Cc: Eric S Hanson <>
For those following the Saga of the Herald, Chapter 16 finds us heralding(!) 
the triumphant return of primer to the assembled body, and awaiting the Coming 
of the Caulk. Whence the Caulk takes form within the boundary areas of the 
sheetmetal, all will be ready for the Spraying of Ye New Paint, a shade not 
unlike that used on newer Chrysler Products, a pleasant "Pearl Red" which 
should give the impression of an updated Cherry or Signal Red.

Having prepared for the painting, all mechanical work save for the assembly of 
the transmission has been completed, and the transmission is only waiting for 
the case to be cleaned before being restored to assembled status.

An interloper has arrived on the scene in the guise of an older, wiser 1960 
TR3, sadly in need of repairs, and repentant for a life of rust. With an engine 
apparently reconditioned by a DPO, and mechanicals of dubious distinction, the 
resurrection of this noble twin seat chariot shall only be preceded by the 
exodus of the Herald from the restoration phase, and its introduction into use. 
The 3 seems happy in its new surroundings, and the Herald has accepted her as a 
sister in the order, a relative returned from adventures unknown, seeking only 
the solace of the restorer's talents. Her future is predestined to include a 
shade of British Racing Green, as well as a full overhaul, of a type with which 
the Herald is quite familiar.

Please accept this poor missive as a report from the frontlines of two 
restorations, one about to be completed, the other just to begin. When each is 
complete, they will begin new adventures, of which I can, at this time, only 

Yours sincerely,
1964 Herald 1200/12/50 Convertible
1960 TR-3 Roadster

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