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Humor with LBC (longish)

Subject: Humor with LBC (longish)
From: Charles Shaw <>
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 18:06:44 -0900
OK listers the first thing is you may not laugh at this story. If you do it 
will cost you in the end. Being an enterprising LBC owner and wanting to 
purchase some absorbent pads for drips and the like, I had the brilliant 
idea to use disposable baby diapers and save $40 on the purpose item. Being 
in Alaska and having the 6 in a separate heated garage from the house, I 
was doing some general maintenance to get ready for spring. I removed the 
water pump and water pump body to install new gaskets for this year. I felt 
that since I had them out already I would take them to the house and clean 
them up a little. As all parts that carry coolant do, these seemed to be 
leaking even when I thought all the coolant was drained. Also being well 
experienced with using what is at hand I took one of the aforementioned 
diapers and diapered the parts. Upon arriving home my Chief Financial 
Officer (spouse) wanted to know if the 6 had finally given birth to 
anything useful and could we sell it to recoup any money. I, finding no 
humor at all, indignantly replied that selling one's children was a 
dreadful act and that I was appalled. I then retired to the garage to make 
a mental note to never diaper another car part again. If you laughed at 
this you are now obligated to take your spouse to dinner in case any of you 
get the same crazy idea I had.

Charles Shaw
75 TR6
nearly thawed out

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