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Forwarded: Re:TR4 Wiper Motor Colour

Subject: Forwarded: Re:TR4 Wiper Motor Colour
From: List Administration <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 00:54:15 -0700 (MST)
For some reason this was sent to me rather than
And a *complete* copy of a digest was included in the reply.  Good grief.

Reply to author, not me.


------- Start of forwarded message -------
     From: "David Rogers" <>
     Subject: Re:TR4 Wiper Motor Colour
     Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:21:39 +1000

    I have been following the thread on the colour of the TR4 wiper motor
with interest and would like to add an antipodean view.
    I did some research into this very question when I restored my '62 TR4
in the 99/00 timeframe. Carl Sereda suggested that it could be Hammerite
Grey but I beg to differ. All the material I located, together with my
memories of the mid-60s, when I owned a TR4, suggests that the colour of the
main metal sheath of the wiper motor was crinkle (or wrinkle, depending on
how you choose to describe it) black. It is basically the same finish and
colour as the H frame which supports the dash inside.
    If you look at Piggott's book on p 67 and in David Hodges 'The Essential
Triumph TR' on page 38, the motor with it's black cover is quite clear.
    From some of the other material I have seen, Mr Lucas could have changed
the colour for the TR5 and the TR250 as a number of pix show it as grey,
hence, I suggest, the confusion.
    Like the inquisitor who initiated the thread, I pulled mine to bits and
restored it. I used a bench grinder with a polishing attachment to clean up
the motor body and its' protuberances, sprayed the wrap around metal sheath,
which covers the gearing etc, with a black crinkle finish and re-assembled
it. To my astonishment, it even worked!
    All the concours TR4s I have seen in Australia have had the black
finish. While this does not prove it was the same in the US models, I would
be very surprised if the Lucas production line in the early 60s pushed out
differing colours especially as the TR4 line for LHD and RHD were one and
the same thing according to Piggott et al.
    My tuppence worth!

Dave Rogers
62 TR4 CT 12068-0
Canberra Australia
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