Message text written by Phil Evans
>I would like to ask the 'List' what are the minumim air compressor
outputs to operate a small benchtop (sand/bead) blast cabinet. Most
cabinets state 5 cfm @ 100 psi, but most compressors are rated around
5.5 cfm @ 90 psi. Also, some makers of compressors are using SCFM. What
does the 'S' stand for? I am looking at compressors with 8 gal tanks to
ones with from 20 - 60 gal tanks. Enlighten me. Thanks
Phil Evans
The "S" stands for "standard." SCFM means Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
which is the amout of air at one atmosphere and 20 degrees C (70 Deg C).
When you compress air it gets smaller and 0ne SCFM (or the air flow at the
intake) will equate to quite a bit less at 90 PSI. At 90 PSI air occupies
about 1/7th of the volume that it does at atmospheric pressure.
I doubt you will find a 120 Vac compressor that will keep up with a sand
blast cabinet. Even one rated at 5.5 CFM@90 will have trouble keeping air
to a 5 CFM@100. The compressor will eun full time and you will start
getting water in the air stream after a while.
If you are blasting a lot of little parts (read: stop blasting and open the
cabinet and exchange parts often allowing the compressor to recover and
cool down) then you will probably be OK. And for a hobbyist, that is
probably sufficient. Why pay $1000 for something you'll use on the odd
weekend. A little blast-wait-blast-wait is a small price to pay for the
extra car goodies you can get for the money.
Dave (I've got a 20 HP compressor here at work and it runs an awful lot
when we run the sandblast cabinet) Massey
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