Hi Hugh
I only use Wellseal, this is a liquid version of what is already on the
gaskets, then re-torque after about 1000 miles. I don't have oil leaking
from the head joint, (it might as well, it seems to come from just about
everywhere else!). I was put on to Wellseal by my local engine guy, yes he
did stock the stuff, but wasn't after a sale as when I said I'd try it he
gave me a tube with my new engine bits!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Fader" <hfader@usa.net>
To: "'Graham Stretch'" <technical@iwnet.screaming.net>; "'Triumph List'"
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:48 PM
Subject: RE: Purpose of recession on deck around cylinders
| It's interesting what others leave behind for you to find isn't it? I'm
| doing my best not to be a DPO, but just a regular PO.
| I read in one TR6 restoration book about putting a thin coat of RTV on the
| land just outside of slots for the pushrods. This is supposed to be a
| where oil commonly seeps out between the head and block. Is this a good
| idea? It seems like there is a chance of gumming things up.
| - Hugh
| > seal, DPO's
| > "mechanic"? had put silicon RTV gasket round the edges to try
| > and keep the
| > water and oil in!!!! Yes they were both mixed together as
| > water with oil and
| > oil with water!!
| >
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