Thanks to a friend and his hoist I have just finished fixing the knocking
that my exhaust would often make. Whilst the TR4 was up on the hoist I took
the chance to wrap much of my headers and exhaust in 'header wrap'.
The PO had an exhaust place make the exhaust system, however, they didn't do
a very good job getting any clearance between the 2" pipe and the chassis. I
had to remove the exhaust and modify certain sections as the 2" pipe was too
thick for some sections. Now there is no knocking :)
Initial reports on the header wrap are good. I can already notice lower
under bonnet temperatures. Hopefully the days of a heavily sweating left leg
whilst driving will be behind me ;-) The main question is whether this will
prolong the life of my brake light switches...
63' TR4 CT23641 O
Sydney, Australia
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