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Fwd: Movie "On the Beach" Great race scene

Subject: Fwd: Movie "On the Beach" Great race scene
From: Doug Mathews <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 17:54:17 -0500
         The book is good to read, but I do not remember any pictures of 
cars in it though! It was written by Neville Shute and used copies can be 
found on-line starting at $0.50!  Of course there are libraries out there!

>Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 20:05:25 -0400
>From: "T.R. Householder" <>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>To: "\" \"" <>,,
>Subject: Movie "On the Beach" Great race scene
>   x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
>Reply-To: "T.R. Householder" <>
>This is a black and white anti-nuclear war film from the late 50's
>staring Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Tony Perkins, and Fred Astaire. The
>tape is 2hrs  15 min. It is scheduled to broadcast on AMC this month.
>(Jan 15 at 8:00 AM, and Jan. 29 at 1:00 AM).  In the last 15 min. of the
>movie is a great race scene. It features a Ferrari driven by Astaire. A
>lot of the clip is a backdrop inserted race from the Riverside track in
>Calif. Some on site stuff at a track in Australia Lots of lbc cars. The
>TR2 you can catch if you stop frame through it. There is a great 100/6
>Healey crash and a Nash Healey crash and burn. A "T" series MG does some
>fancy off the track on again stuff, and a 140 series Jag coupe  does a
>multi roll over. Lots of old big money cars in the clip too. If you
>watch closely over Freds shoulder you'll see quite a lot of a Doretti.
>For my entertainment I'd tape it and fast forward to the race scene. The
>movie is really slow. For those who don't have the AMC access the
>Library is a good place to find it.
>Some on pas this on to the Jag and MG folks.

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