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Re: GT6 Front Spring Question and Wheel Question

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: GT6 Front Spring Question and Wheel Question
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 17:32:41 EST
In a message dated Thu, 20 Dec 2001  4:18:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, Fred 
Marks <> writes:

> Hi all-
> When I disassembled my GT6 frame donor many months
> ago, one of the front spring/shock assemblies was
> mounted to the frame with a round metal spacer
> approximately 1/3" thick.  This spacer fit between the
> top cap of the shock assembly and the shock tower.  Is
> this spacer supposed to be on both sides, or was it
> added to compensate one side of the vehicle for some
> reason.  I don't even recall which side it came from
> (I knew I should have taken better notes...)?

It likely came from the left side and was commonly fitted there on US-spec cars 
(and possibly other markets' LHD cars). Possibly it was to help level the car, 
which, in LHD form, has the driver as well as the fuel tank on that side.

> Now it's reassembly time and I don't know if I should
> be looking for another one of these spacers...
They shouldn't be too hard to find. As to whether it's absolutely necessary, I 
don't know. ;-)
> Question 2.  If I were looking to go with 13x6.5 
> wheel, what would my choices be?  Panasport doesn't
> make street wheels that wide.

Can't help you there.

--Andy Mace

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