Hi Bruce
I hope you have recovered from your experience.
Thank you for your insight into thermite.
I don't know how the factory where I work hasn't blown up several times
over. We have a welder who is very fond of grinding things after welding,
and as he is the TIG welder he does both aluminium and steel welding and
grinding. I have printed your story out and intend to show it to our safety
officer and if necessary the MD to get safety measures enacted now.
Thanks again,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Robertson" <mrmomo.geo@yahoo.com>
To: "Toyota 4X4 list" <toyota@4x4wire.com>; "Triumph List"
<triumphs@autox.team.net>; "Crx-Canada" <canada@crx.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Safety Item
| > A few days earlier he had ground the heads of
| about >12 aluminium pop rivets. Finely divided
| aluminium >mixed with finely divided ferrous oxide
| produces a >compound called thermite. Thermite is used
| to fill >incendiary bombs and commercially to weld
| large steel >items, i.e. railway rails into continuous
| lengths. >It burns at approximately 35000C (63000F)
| hence the >extensive burns from such a short exposure
| time. The >end result was, excluding my fingers; I
| suffered deep >second-degree burns to about 60% of my
| left hand and >50% of my right hand.
| >
| > In light of my experience, I feel there should be a
| >very strong warning passed on to the readership as to
| >the dangers posed by grinding steel after having
| >ground aluminium, unless the machine is thoroughly
| >cleaned of all aluminium dust. The potential is
| >certainly there for even more serious injury.
| =====
| Bruce Robertson "MrMomo"
| 1990 Rio Red Honda CRX DX
| 1966 B.R.Green Triumph TR4A
| 1991 Custom F350 Dually flatbed
| Age unknown: Highly modified John Deere tractor.
| "If more is better, too much is never enough"-ec
| -------------------------------------------------
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