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That awful sound

To: triumphs Mailing List <>,
Subject: That awful sound
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 14:48:02 -0500
Organization: Southern Rail
So I'm headed to work this morning, pulling out onto 128 (that's Boston's 
inner beltway) in the GT6, and I try to shift from 3rd to 4th about half a 
mile from the entrance ramp, when all of sudden it goes BRBRBRBRBRBR!!!!!  
And the rear wheels kind'a wish they could lock up, and go WhumpWhumpWhump 
but keep rolling enough for me to get the car to a safe spot on the 
shoulder.  Bummer.  Had to walk a mile to the next exit, wait for a flatbed, 
coax the car up under protest onto the truck, coax it back down under 
protest to my driveway.  And of course, the Spitfire is now stuck in the 
garage with a dead GT6 blocking the way.

No oil dropped out so no casing was broken.  Visually, all was well 
underneath.  I assume the problem is in the tranny, not the diff, because 
the shift lever refuses to engage either 3rd or 4th but seems to have no 
trouble slipping into the 1st or 2nd positions.  Also I would'a thunk that a 
blown diff would be likely to break the case open.  (But what do I know?  
I've never lown a tranny before.  Certainly not at highway speeds!  That's 
the kind of excitement I don't need.)

Okay, so what next?  I'll pull the driveshaft/diff bolts which should let it 
roll easily (so I can retrieve the Spitfire and push the GT6 into the 
garage), and also verify that it is indeed the tranny, not the diff.  I've 
got another gearbox because this car came with a bunch of extra parts such 
as diff, gearbox, driveshaft, rear hatch, chrome trim, facia and gauges, 
blah blah blah.  The onliest thing is, I don't know how good any of these 
extra parts are.  They may be worse than I already have, considering that 
the PO who did all the previous rebuilding would have used the better of the 
two, or so one would think.  Since a tranny swap is a lot of work, I'd 
rather install one known to be good.  Spitbits has a decent price on a 
rebuilt unit.  Or I could try to save money, pull the cover off my other one 
and start taking measurements.  So what would I look for?

I'm open to suggestions!  Tanks.

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire (Percy)
'70 GT6+ (Nigel)

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