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RE: Floor Paint substitute

To: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>,
Subject: RE: Floor Paint substitute
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09:46:48 -0800 (PST)
Yeah I also saw this variety of floor mat.

I wouldn't consider using that vinyl variety at all.

It looks like it is meant for catching water and other drips, but certainly
can't be as durable as the PVC mat that was shown at the website I referenced.

I think I'd go get an old vinyl floor remnant for $20 before getting that fancy
"clean park" thing.


--- Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM> wrote:
> > Has anyone out there ever seen / used one of the large garage
> > floor mats that
> > are available?
> A former neighbor had a similar but smaller one, which he liked.  It caught
> the occasional drip from his Porsche 911.  But, the instructions were
> apparently pretty specific that jacks and whatnot on the mat were a no-no.
> I think this is the web site for the one he had, it even talks about
> "special precautions" for studded tires.
> Randall
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