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What's That Smell?

To: TR <>
Subject: What's That Smell?
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 20:28:40 -0700
Was talking to a new member in our local club and he described how he
recently became an LBC owner.  He had a TR4 many years ago and was "just
lookin" at a British car without intending to buy.  As soon as he sat in
it, that distinctive old British car smell brought back all the memories
of what great cars these are and he had to buy it.

It occurred to me that my TR has just about lost that smell with all the
new interior parts it has recently received.  Just what is it that
produces that smell?

If it is the horsehair that was in the seats could I get it back by
collecting a bag of horsehair and stowing it in the interior?  Exactly
what part of the horse does that hair come from?

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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