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Re: Sorry, non TR question, Yahoo question

To: Barry Schwartz <>
Subject: Re: Sorry, non TR question, Yahoo question
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 15:48:01 -0700
References: <>
One sure way of getting rid of it (Yes, I have seen it myself), is to 
unsubscribe yourself from that SPAM Magnet Yahoo!


Barry Schwartz wrote:
> Sorry to bomb the list again, but I access my mail through the web now, and
> using yahoo as my usual starting point, I have noticed that for the last
> several weeks every time I access it I get a VERY annoying pop up window
> for some stupid ad for some sort of camera.  I am really annoyed with this,
> as I can't seem to find a switch to keep the darn thing from popping up
> every time I access.  Does anyone know a setting or switch in both Explorer
> 5.0 and Netscape 4.0 that will turn the blasted thing off!!  I can't even
> find an e-mail address to send a nasty gram to Yahoo to express my
> displeasure at this annoying new tactic -
> Thanks to anyone with a solution and again Sorry to bomb the list with this
> non-LBC question -
> Barry Schwartz (San Diego)

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