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Re: TR3 steering column - rubber rings?

Subject: Re: TR3 steering column - rubber rings?
From: Randall <>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 20:40:55 -0800
References: <a05100313b80fac426ded@[]>
> Anyway, now everything is degreased and scrubbed and the parts have
> the first coat of paint on, and I ordered almost everything I need
> from TRF to put it all back together ... except for two rubber rings
> around the steering shaft, one at about 1/3 and another at about 2/3
> of the way up the shaft.  They had a square cross-section, and seemed
> like they probably were a tight fit around the shaft at one time (44
> years ago).  Needless to say, they're old and cracked and loose now.
> Problem is, TRF doesn't sell these rings.
> Anyone know what they're for?  Are they important?  If I need to find
> replacements, where might those be had?

Dunno what they've for, or how important they are.  My parts book calls
them oil seals, P/N 60586.  Seems to be listed in both TRF's and Moss
UK's price list under that part number, plus Moss US as P/N 262-320. 
(Admittedly, all three copies are somewhat out of date.)  The price
lists all call it an 'anti-rattle' ring or washer, so perhaps that's
it's function.  Would a common hose washer work ?


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