I'm pleased to announce that the SE VTR REGIONAL for 2002 Will once again
resume next year. Having taken a break this year, the event is scheduled for
Jekyll Island Georgia on OCT 24-26, 2002. It will be hosted By the Georgia
Triumph Association, We started the planning process about two months ago,
and I would like to thanks a few Listers for there assistance by providing me
details regarding past events.
Thank you Art Kelly, and Don Marshall, these gentleman have both been involved
in hosting this event in past years and they have taken time to answer many
of my questions and have offered to help in any manner.
Our official web site Http:// will be available for
schedules and event information on December 1, 2001 as well as online
Scheduled events include:
Autocross, designed and managed by JK Jackson.
Tech sessions :
1)Brian Schlorff of Power British Performance "overdrive transmissions"
Thank you Brian.
2)Fred Thomas " Benefits and the art of powder coating"
(Fred: By the way did I mention to you that ....)
Driving tours, gymkhana, Rally's, photo/crafts contest, valve cover racing are
some of the other events scheduled.
For information prior to Dec 1. 2001
contact Ronnie Babbitt at
478.953.2261 H
478.929.2651 x561W
web site available after Dec 1, 2001
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