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RE: Comment on new cars vs. TR4 (some LBC)(long)

Subject: RE: Comment on new cars vs. TR4 (some LBC)(long)
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 22:07:02 -0500
I couldn't agree more.  I got to test drive the WRX a month or two before it 
hit the showrooms and I was not impressed (a good friend is an auto writer here 
in Detroit and gets loaners from the factory all the time).  Not a bad car, but 
nothing special.  Nowhere near as much fun as my TR3A, as evidenced by the size 
of the grin on my friend's face after letting him take it for a spin.  Made the 
Lexus coupe he had at the time seem boring.

I'm thinking Teri Ann has the right idea with the TR3 and Land Rover.  If only 
I had room for it....


"Freeman, Noah" <> wrote:

>I wasnt a "car guy" until I bought my Tr4 9 months ago (with the help of
>Brian Sanborn, one of the unsung heroes of this list)...before, as a non
>car guy, I drove a jeep as my year round car...(total POS)...its now
>come time to replace the jeep, so I started thinking "why not get
>something really fast"  because my TR4 has gotten performance into my

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