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Re: My car tried to eat a bolt

Subject: Re: My car tried to eat a bolt
From: Randall <>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 08:27:36 -0800
References: <> wrote:
> So for now I am replacing the pistons rings and wrist pins, using the old
> rods,

Hope you had the one from the broken cylinder checked for straightness.

> had the head repaired and magnafluxed, and replacing the rod bearings,
> just for the heck of it. I didn't plastigague for clearance, and I suspect
> that this would OK, since the car ran at 40 to 50 PSI. Still I think at this
> point not much sense to put in old bearings.

I agree about not putting back old bearings, but I always plastigage new
inserts.  I've never found a problem, but I'd much rather check and not
have a problem, than not check and have one.

> but kind of
> sloppy, don't you think?


> I think I am going to put the rods back in the way they came out of the
> engine.

Why ?  

> I haven't pulled the main bearing caps (yet), but if needed is it possible to
> replace the main bearings without dropping the crankcase? 

Yes, it's possible, not even particularly difficult.  IMO it's worth
doing just because you have the pan off.  There is a gasket in front of
the front main cap that will tear, so just remove as much as you can,
and fill with your favorite "Form a gasket".  You may need to fabricate
a puller for the front & rear caps, but I've usually found that I can
get them out by wiggling a bit.  Only remove one cap at a time, so the
crank never hangs on the seals.  I prefer to take one of the lower
inserts, and flatten it a bit to form a drift to gently tap the upper
inserts out with.  Once they're out by 1/2" or so, you can pinch them
against the crank and roll the crank to pull them completely out. 
Installation is the reverse, but keep in mind they only go in/out one
way, because of the key.  Don't forget to replace the sealer-soaked felt
in the rear cap, tamping it tightly into place after the cap is replaced
and torqued. 

59 TR3A daily driver

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