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Re: A Standard Triumph First

To: "Kurt Oblinger" <>, <>
Subject: Re: A Standard Triumph First
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 07:05:56 -0500
References: <>
> As for the targa roof on the surrey top, its a matter of interpretation. A
> gifted designer named Gordon Buehrig who worked for Duesenberg, designed
> the Cord 812 and later the Lincoln Continental MkII, designed a car called
> the Tasco (for The American Sports Car Company) just after the war that
> featured removable transparent roof panels, a concept which he patented.
> When GM introduced the T-top on the Corvette they found out too late that
> theirs was not an original idea and ended up paying Buehrig a royalty for
> every T-top car built. The TR Surrey top design is different enough that
> probably can be considered unique for the time and it predated Porsche's
> Targa top on the 911.
> Cheers,
> Kurt Oblinger

In 1953 Pontiac built a concept car with a surrey top called "Parrisan"
<sp>, never got beyond that one, still around today, owned by a restaurant
man in Chicago that also owns about 10 other concept cars, a real beauty.

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