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Re: Before we finally revert to topic

To: "John Macartney" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Before we finally revert to topic
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 21:18:44 -0400
References: <003101c13d75$66b39e40$07ed07c3@jonmac>

I have known from very early on the response of the rest of the world,
although I may not have always indicated it in my postings.  And some have
commented that these postings have been off topic and inappropriate. At this
point, I personally feel that while they may not be about cars, they allow
the members to do what will help them heal- discuss this monumental tragedy
with those they regard as friends. I have really been unable to to find the
interest to read any of the on-topic messages since Tuesday. Currently my
project has come to an almost complete stop. In the past three nights, I
have done a grand total of about 15 minutes work, none of any signifigance.
I have sent out many e-mails, and this has helped.

In direct regard to your comments, I can only say one thing, and this is for
you and all your countrymen and women-


I will recover, and I hope to have my project completed shortly, but I need
to work through this, as does the rest of the world. Together the world will
heal the destruction, and remove the instrument of injury.


> Friends
> Over the last few days, I have been saddened and surprised by turn to
> read many varied messages and reactions on this and other
> lists  on the barbaric events of last Tuesday.
> What I have noticed most of all is that a surprisingly large number of
> contributors seem to be under the misguided impression that the people
> of the United States are completely alone in its grief and shock.This
> is a gross travesty of truth. The vast majority of the citizens of
> Europe and further afield are entirely sympathetic and equally as
> horrified  at what happened, as you.
> As many of you will hopefully know, the country that gave you the cars
> you still enjoy, shares in your grief. Today and by general edict of
> the European Parliament, all member states came to a halt at 11.00am
> to remember all those who died. The American Embassy in London is
> alleged to now be turning away offers of help from British subjects
> who are willing at their own expense to give up what remains of their
> holiday entitlement or to take unpaid leave to help in the recovery of
> the dead from the ruins of WTC as soon as transatlantic flights are
> resumed. Our churches are full, your countrymen here on vacation are
> being comforted and helped as best we are able. In the Midlands of
> England which is a minute but highly populated area in comparison to
> your own, every single fire station and available member of the
> emergency services attended morning parades and there was not one
> firefighter on active duty that did not appear on the parades. This
> goes for much of the rest of the country. The mosques are full and
> while the cynics may have their own opinions as to why this is so, it
> is because the British moslem community shares the horror of the
> slaughter.
> What they fear, and rightly so - are indiscriminate attacks likely to
> endanger their personal safety because they happen to presumably share
> similar religious beliefs (?) as the perpetrators of this crime
> against humanity.
> Within an automotive environment at BMIHT Gaydon, the flags throughout
> the site and on all the public buildings I have seen, are flying at
> half mast as a mark of sorrow and respect. Tomorrow, I will be taking
> part as the sole organiser in an 800 mile/24 hour charity run in which
> Triumphs are the only eligible cars. This will not stop us from bowing
> our heads and observing a period of silence before we start, to
> remember the lives of Joe Deluca and Linda Gronlund who as Morgan
> enthusiasts in the US were passengers aboard United 93. At the same
> time as we commemorate Joe and Linda, the untold thousands who also
> died with them (some were possibly LBC enthusiasts as well) will be
> remembered in equal measure.
> The world shares your shock, but in no doubt - you are anything but
> alone. We have known terrorism on our streets for many years, though I
> admit to nothing like the same scale as the events of last Tuesday. If
> all the world governments can pull together for once and not flake in
> their commitment to stamping out this insidious evil where individuals
> seek to impose their will by brute force, we may somehow collectively
> be able to bring peace to this ever more troubled world.
> Jonmac
> MG 4305 DLO 1970 Triumph 2.5PI
> D 152318 1950 Ferguson TED20

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