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Re: List sidescreen register

To: "John Macartney" <>
Subject: Re: List sidescreen register
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 16:18:59 -0400
Cc: <>
References: <000801c11d19$fd90d5c0$b9e407c3@jonmac>
The O/D was also a option on much of the U.S. iron and likewise was not
accepted, the U.S. version was a joke, you had to let your foot off the gas,
push the O/D lever in and then press the gas again, once in O/D it stayed in
until you stopped and pulled it out at a stand still, and then you started
over again, this may have been what turned dealers against the import O/D,
thinking they were of the same quality (they are the best to this day). I
had O/D on a 1950 Ford and it was a usless piece of junk.  "FT"

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