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Re: Mashed potatoes (no LBC)

To: <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Mashed potatoes (no LBC)
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 20:28:16 -0400
Cc: <>
References: <>
> > I really think that the dawn of the modern era was the invention of the
> > microwave dinner.... to quote a local chains commercial
> > "without us some guys would starve!"  I for one rank them up there with
> > sliced bread.
> >
> (MAN, I SWORE I wouldn't get into THIS discussion, but....)
> You must be too young to remember the granddaddy of "bachelor" food:
> Swanson's TV dinners.

Birds-Eye was the very first frozen dinner, =frozen turkeys = served them up
at after thawing out and they were a disaster, he continued again after
WW11.  "FT"

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