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R: backyard visitors, rattlesnakes (no LBC)

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: R: backyard visitors, rattlesnakes (no LBC)
From: "Bob Rochlin" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 08:18:16 -0400
I live backed up to the Blue Hills Reservation right outside of Boston.  Over
the last twenty years we have seen fox, deer, coyote.hawks snapping turtles
skunks and many snakes. We now have to keep our dog in when we are not around
because of the threat of a tangle with a coyote or skunk, but we love being
able to see the wild things .  Although there are Rattlesnakes here, I've
never run into one. Rattlesnakes are gentle retiring soles, who if given the
chance, in any encounter will retreat.
With withering open space, wild things are being constantly squeezed into
human space and IMO we should make allowances for them and enjoy their
    I recommend "Landscaping with Reptiles" By Palmer as a great book to
understand Rattlesnakes in the Northeastern United Sates. In a place called
Rocky Hill Connecticut housing was built in the middle of a rattlesnake den
and the residents have made the decision to live with the snakes. As far as I
know no one has ever been bitten.
Bob Rochlin
72' TR 6
Ain't noth'en faster then a borrowed car...

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