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Re: Age Related Discounts, yadda, yadda, yadda id

To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Age Related Discounts, yadda, yadda, yadda id f5QFAxF13744
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 08:10:54 -0700
References: < > <0ba001c0fdfe$2352bfc0$0100a8c0@lucifer>
Kai wrote:
>I tend to think not, and opinions can never be incorrect they may be
>misguided and not accepted by the majority but so are many things.

Opinions can never be incorrect?  Kai
 that you would discourage 
young people from owning an LBC is interesting and, well
ridiculous and, by the way, INCREDIBLY elitist.  But that you think 
an opinion can never be incorrect is really far more startling.  You 
certainly DO have the right to hold an opinion about something, 
whatever that opinion is.  But an opinion is NEVER correct by virtue 
of the fact that it is an opinion.

Pardon me for saying, but this is exactly the kind of obtuse thinking 
that so many people in this country seem to suffer from.  And, I 
believe, the country suffers for it.

We (all of us) may have different opinions about any controversial 
 say, for instance evolution v. creationism.  But speaking 
logically, in that debate there are three possible realities, but 
only one possible truth: (without saying what I think that truth is) 
As an example, either creationism is true, or evolution is true, or 
BOTH theories are false.  Both theories cannot (in their strictest 
applications) be true simultaneously.  It is a logical impossibility. 
Therefore if you believe in creationism - again, as an example - the 
mere fact that you believe it does not in itself make it true.  If I 
believe in evolution, that cannot by itself make evolution true.  In 
that argument, three outcomes are possible: either I am CORRECT, you 
are CORRECT, or BOTH of us are INCORRECT.  We cannot both be correct 
at the same time.  Now I suppose some people might try to nitpick my 
point by pointing out that some evolutionists are including a 
'creator' into the theory as well, making evolution the MEANS of 
creation and that in that context, both theories are correct.  Nice 
try, but no.  I was referring to these theories in their most 
traditional, orthodox forms.  Any theory that combines the two would 
be a THIRD theory and of course is subject to the same logical 
principles.  And, by the way, I don't mean to imply that evolution 
and Biblical creation are the only theories out there, either
JUST an example and I do not intend to spark an evolution v. 
creationsim debate on this list.  It's JUST an example to illustrate 
a point.

Folks, this might startle some of you, but to every question there is 
a single reality, a single truth.  The questions can sometimes be 
very complex, that's for certain.  But there is always ONE RIGHT 
ANSWER.  Who has the right answer?  Who knows?  Maybe NONE of us do. 
But we simply cannot be all RIGHT simultaneously.  It's impossible. 
And, to be frank, it scares the Hell out of me to think that people 
think otherwise.

By the way, Kai:  I purchased my TR6 in 1986, immediately after 
graduating from high school.  I'm 33 now and out there in my garage 
is that very same car, and dare I say it's in FAR better shape now 
that it was when I bought it.  And had the middle-age DPO who sold it 
to me chosen NOT to sell it, I guarantee you that it would've ended 
up either sitting in a field with trees growing out of it, or it 
would have been stripped to bits in a wrecking yard.  This guy was 
indeed the quintessential DPO.  And while I'll admit that there were 
probably enthusiasts out there that could have done more with my 
Triumph than I did (being fresh out of high school and all), I can 
say with great confidence that I am the best thing that ever happened 
to old CF10732 out there in the garage, even though I was only 18 
when I saved her.

Just give me a minute while I climb into my Nomex

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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