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RE: Age Related Discounts / Younger Owners (was: Further inducement to

Subject: RE: Age Related Discounts / Younger Owners (was: Further inducement to get you all to the 2001 convention...)
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 10:37:39 -0700
Kai M. Radicke wrote :
> ... and you
> will also be
> asked to race 31 one flavours of Honda Civics.  You will bear whitness to
> the shear stupidity of young male "sports" car owners,

Whassa matter, Kai ?  Been blown off by one too many rice burners ???

Personally, I think you've got it all wrong.  What better way than owning a
Triumph to show some kid that there's more to cars than loud stereos and big
tips ?  Sure, most of them will not keep their cars forever, but that has
always been the history of two seater sports cars.  The realities of being
young (ie no earning power to speak of), getting married, and starting a
family ensure that.

Yes, lots of them will be cursed someday as a DPO.  It's amazing what
necessity will cause people to do, when it's a choice of using the muffler
bearings off a 74 Buick Skylark, or having new ones imported from England.
Any purist that happened to get my current 'daily driver' would also curse
me for a DPO, I'm sure.  But, as long as it's my car, it only has to please
me !

Like it or not, our cars are headed down the long slippery slope into
oblivion.  Someday, they will only be found in car museums.  We should
strive to postpone that day as long as possible.

When's the last time you met anyone under 50 who owns a Model A ?  The value
of a restored Model A has already started to drop, because the supply
exceeds the demand ... before too long it will start back up because the
only ones left are museum pieces.

(Sorry Fred, but you know it's true.)


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