In a message dated 6/23/01 10:44:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< ... with whatever you're driving. <smile>
After some number of emails, I've managed, with the help and suggestions
of a number of others, to institute a new prize to have its inaugural at
the 2001 VTR convention. It's an inducement to those who often feel that
they and their cars have no place at a national event, perhaps because
they feel that their cars aren't worthy of being compared to the perfect
examples brought to major events.
A grand and outstanding idea whose coming is much too long overdue.
Michael and those who promoted the creation of this award should be
congratulated many, many times over!
Kirk Yonker
81 TR8 Fi
P.S. Now if entry to VTR National and Regional 2002 events to be halved, or
dare I suggest, cut to a third of full price for those Triumph
owners 21 y.o.
and younger? Would we see greater participation by a younger crowd?
Anyone know the policy for clubs in other countries on this subject
the results?
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