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TR-3 adjustable steering column question

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: TR-3 adjustable steering column question
From: "jernigan" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 11:30:54 -0700
Organization: Prodigy Internet
I am in the process of converting my TR-3A non-adjustable split steering
column equipped car to one with a split-column adjustable set-up.  I have
obtained the following parts for the adjustable column:

Steering wheel - adjustable (new reproduction)
Control head - adjustable (new reproduction)
Upper steering column (original) (adjustable with splines)
Upper steering column circlip (original)
Accordian chrome column shroud (new reproduction)
Upper retainer cup for accordian chrome column shroud (new reproduction)
Bakelite spigotted washer (original)

I do not have a stator tube to connect the control head to the steering box.
My question is this: can I use a non-adjustable stator tube and modify it to
fit the adjustable column?  I noticed that the non-adjustable stator tube is
longer than its adjustable counterpart.  I would like to know whether the
non-adjustable stator tube can be shortened (if so, how much?) and do I need
to cut a slot in it to fit the tube that is attached to the control head?


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