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Re: Overdrive X-ref (Volvo)

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Overdrive X-ref (Volvo)
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 12:48:22 -0400
Organization: Radicke Media Group
References: <>
As this debate has gone on for a few years, whether the Volvo J-types fit
the TR6s I think it is time to find out for sure!  John says they fit, and
took one from a DL240 and swapped the TR6 bits on without a problem.  I
however had an NOS J-type case sometime ago which was totally different from
the TR6 one and wouldn't fit.

What I ask is that if someone has a TR6 J-type out of their car right now,
and off of their gearbox, if they could make me a template (outline of case
with bolt hole markings, both the gearbox side and tailshaft side).  I've
located a derelict Volvo with OD, and I'll attempt to snatch the OD off
tomorrow morning.  But it would be nice to know if I'm just wasting my time
(which if the template doesn't match up, will be quite clear).

Of course I'll post my findings so others may be able to pillage those old
Volvos :-)


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