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Re: Left Lane Bandits - on ramp right of way

To: "Phil Ethier" <>,
Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits - on ramp right of way
From: Erik Quackenbush <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 09:38:00 -0500
Not here! Illinois law says the car ENTERING the freeway has the right of 
way. I took a refresher course recently and was surprised at how many 
things I 'knew' that were wrong.


At 09:32 PM 6/10/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Not one Yank driver in a hundred understands the concept that the car on the
>freeway ought to keep a steady speed and let the entering car adjust.  I
>would not be a bit surprised if the Yanks on this list have a better handle
>on that, and most things automotive than the typical driver in the USA.

Erik Quackenbush, V.P. Operations, Midwest Filter Corporation
1-847-680-0566 fax: 1-847-680-0832

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